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Our Mission

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Braille Code’s mission is centered around inclusion, access and independence to the blind/visually impaired community; by bringing awareness and educating the sighted world.


As Seen In:

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As seen on the Today Show and more
As seen on the Tamron Hall Show



Wani is legally blind and wonderfully made!  At 11 months, after an MRI, he was diagnosed with Septo-Optic Nerve Dysplasia. He talked before he walked reciting his a,b,c’s and 1,2,3’s at 16 months! Wani started walking at 19 months. He quickly expressed his love for music and was told by his 1st grade music teacher that he was a singer! He is now a teenager singing at school shows and living his best life!


Our Book

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Inspired by her son Wani who is legally blind, Gracie decided to become an author and published a book called: What's Cool About Braille Code School?  Gracie noticed that there weren't any children's book to inspire him and kids like Wani.  She also noticed that he did not have any sighted friends. She realized that she needed to do something about it.  This book has not only inspired blind and visually impaired kids, it has inspired and enlightened sighted kids as well!  What's Cool About Braille Code School? is bridging the gap, creating relationships and cultivating inclusion between sighted and blind/VI kids!


Our Patent

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Our patent has an endless print and braille number system for endless convenient pairing with your products. Our braille labels can be customize in any shape or form to match your product specifications.

Braille Labels


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We have developed a pairing and number system of our Patent (US D922,777) silicone raised left and right tactile label appliqué. It will allow anyone to instantly distinguish pairs of products. Adding familiarity and ease to their day-to-day.​



The raised area is a clear silicone print on Tyvek material that doesn't visibly interrupt any necessary text that lives underneath - while providing a left and right signifier and matching number system in both print and Braille!

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Making subtle adjustments to the properties of objects, such as differentiation through tactile Braille indicators is one way to start building a future of inclusion where the blind and visually impaired are not held back or impeded by their special need.


In order to achieve change and provide solutions to complex problems, a new standard of accessibility needs to be established. Part of that involves paying attention to the difficulties of navigating through life that blind or visually impaired individuals face.


Building An Accessible Future

Our Patent

Our patent has an endless print and braille number system for endless pairing of products. It can also be of any Shape or form.

About Us

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